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Student Research Trip

During the first year of study, CCS Bard students and faculty travel to an international art event or artistic center and meet with a variety of curators, artists, and other cultural producers. Students have previously visited documenta XIV in Athens and Kassel (2017); Lima (2016); the Venice Biennial, Ljubljana, and Zagreb (2015); Amsterdam, Eindhoven, and Brussels (2014); documenta XIII in Kassel (2012); Mexico City (2012); the Taipei and Gwangju biennials (2010); the Istanbul Biennial (2009); the São Paulo Biennial (2008); and Berlin (2007).

The research expedition is made possible with support from Lori and Alexandre Chemla. Local class trips are also taken on occasion during the school year, as a group, by both first and second year students. Class trips are often taken to New York City, but other local destinations are also possible.